Hallo zusammen,
ich habe auf einem NT4-Server noch einen SNA-Server nur für das Druckersharing laufen - gibt es hier ein Nachfolgeprodukt
für W2K - Server ?.
Andreas Herzfeldt
In Zeiten des IP-Printing ist ein SNA-Server doch gar nicht mehr nötig !
Jeder Drucker kann heute über IP erreicht werden. Ggf. auch ein Printserver ist über IP als OUTQ erreichbar.
Ich würde kein Nachfolgeprodukt mehr suchen sondern einfach Windows-Standard IP-Printing verwenden.
Hallo Andreas,
der Nachfolger des SNA-Servers für W2k von Micosoft heißt meines Wissens "Host-Integration-Server".
Und was soll man machen, wenn man kein IP verwenden kann?
Danke an Euch beide. Fuerchau : Es ist aber wesentlich einfacher per SNA-Server die Seitenaufbereitung zu realisieren,
da die generierten 5224-Drucker 132 Druckstellen im Portrait
drucken ohne daß ich Printerfiles modifizieren muß. JO400 : Habe mittlerweile auch diesen Link bei Microsoft gefunden.
Andreas Herzfeldt
Gibts heute noch Netzwerke die ohne IP auskommen ?
132 Stellen auf Din A4 Hochformat heißt ja 16,6 CPI ! Und dann trotzdem 6 LPI finde ich nicht unbedingt sehr leserlich. Die automatische Seitenanpassung (COR) finde ich da äusserst praktisch. Auch mit Hosttransform bekommt man gute Ergebnisse.
Print over IP
Hallo Fuerchau,
habe das mit dem Host Integration Server erst mal beiseite gepackt, da der immer mit internen Programmfehlern abschmiert. Gibt es im Netz eine gute Doku über WSCST-Erstellung in denen auch die DATA ASCII - Steuersequenzen
Beispielhaft erklärt werden ?
Frohe Ostertage aus Hamburg.
Andreas Herzfeldt
Erstellen eines WSCST
Hallo Andreas,
hier schon einmal die Informationen zum erstellen des
IBM Software Technical Document
__________________________________________________ ________________
Document Information Document Number: 8692422
Functional Area: Print
Subfunctional Area: Host Print Transform (HPT)
Sub-Subfunctional Area: Workstation Customizing Objects (WSCSTs)
OS/400 Release: ALL
Product: OS/400 PRINT/SPOOL (5769SS1SP)
Product Release: N/A
__________________________________________________ ________________
Document Title
Instructions for Modifying a Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST)
Document Description
Several documents have been created on specific modifications to workstation customizing objects (or WSCSTs) for use with Host Print Transform (HPT). This document was created to provide standard instructions for:
o deciding on the appropriate workstation customizing object to use,
o retrieving the source for the system-supplied workstation customizing object,
o modifying the workstation customizing object source,
o creating the modified workstation customizing object, and
o using the modified workstation customizing object with a *LCL or *RMT device description, a *LAN device description, a remote output queue (RMTOUTQ), a Personal Communications 5250 (PC5250) printer session, a RUMBA/400 printer session or a Workstation Function (WSF) printer session.
Note: The section on using the modified workstation customizing object consists of links to other documents (for example, one document is for using the modified workstation customizing object with a *LCL or *RMT device description, and another document is for using the modified workstation customizing object with a *LAN device description, and so on.
Warning: These instructions are provided as is. Any assistance with editing the Workstation Customization Table must be done by Consult Line.
Sources for additional information on workstation customizing objects include the following:
o IBM AS/400 PRINT IV, Redbook GG24-4389, has a section going into detail of customizing a WSCST object.
o Printer Device Programming Guide: Documents the parameters in the printer device description for host print transforms. Remote writers only have the MFGTYPMDL parameter.
o Workstation Customization Function Programmer's Guide: Detailed documentation of the tags within the WSCST object source.
Deciding on the Appropriate Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST)
First, you must find out which workstation customization object (WSCST) to retrieve. If you are already using the OS/400 Host Print Transform function to print to this printer, display the printer device description or, using the Display Device Description (DSPDEVD) command, look for the Manufacturer type and model field on the second screen. Use this value in the Retrieve Workstation Customizing Object (RTVWSCST) command below.
If you do not know which WSCST to retrieve, type the RTVWSCST command, and press the F4 key to prompt the command. Type *TRANSFORM for the device type, and press the Enter key, then press the F4 key to prompt on the manufacturer type and model. This gives you a long list of all supported workstation customization tables. Compare this to the user's guide for your printer to decide which is the best choice for your printer. When in doubt, configure your printer to use Host Print Transform before modifying a WSCST to verify that it prints correctly. Once you have decided which manufacturer type and model works for your printer, proceed to the next step.
The examples to follow are using a manufacturer type and model value of *HP4 (which is used for HP LaserJet 4 and compatible printers) and a source member value of HP4.
Retrieving the Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST) Source
You are ready to retrieve the source for the system-supplied workstation customizing object. It is recommended that you retrieve the source into a QTXTSRC file that is in a library in your System Library List. This makes it easier to configure the device description because it defaults the library name of the WSCST to *LIBL. The best choice is probably the library QGPL because it is typically in the System Library List and generally already has a QTXTSRC file.
The RTVWSCST command for an HP LaserJet 4 printer looks similar to the following:
TEXT('Modified WSCST for HP LaserJet 4')
If needed, press the F4 key to prompt the command. Press the Enter key to run the command.
Making Additional Changes to a Modified Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST) Source
If you have already made some modifications to a WSCST source member, you will want to edit the source member again without retrieving the source for the system-supplied workstation customizing object over again. If you have already made changes to a WSCST source member and then use the RTVWSCST command a second time, you will overwrite the changes that you previously had made to that WSCST source member.
If you have created a modified WSCST object, but cannot find the WSCST source code used to create that WSCST object, refer to document 15433348, Finding the Source Code for a Modified Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST). To link to 15433348 immediately, click here .
Modifying the Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST) Source
Use either PDM or SEU to edit the source file member. To do this, type one of the following commands:
If needed, press the F4 key to prompt the command. Press the Enter key to run the command. Take option "2" (Edit) next to the name of your source file member and press the Enter key to edit the source file member.
Creating the Modified Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST)
Once the WSCST source member has been edited and saved, you are ready to create a new Workstation Customization Table (WSCST). On the OS/400 command line, type the following:
If needed, press the F4 key to prompt the command. Press the Enter key to run the command.
Using the Modified Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST)
ASCII printers can be attached to the iSeries 400 system through a PC (using WSF, RUMBA/400, PC5250, or a third-party emulation package) or through hardware (for example, a 3179 or 3477 display, an ASCII Workstation Controller, a Lexmark MarkNet XLE, or an HP JetDirect card).
Host Print Transform is an OS/400 function that converts an OS/400 spooled file (in the *SCS or *AFPDS data stream) into an ASCII printer data stream. This can be used in conjunction with most printer emulation software and hardware. One of its benefits is that it can create the same look and feel when printing through a variety of printer emulation software and hardware. For example, if you have printers connected to some PCs running workstation function under Client Access/400 for DOS with Extended Memory, RUMBA/400 under Client Access for Windows 3.1, PC5250 under Client Access for Windows 95/NT, and connected to the LAN with an IP address, use Host Print Transform. The output looks very similar across all ASCII printers.
Some printer emulation software (such as WSF and PC5250) that Host Print Transform (HPT) is specified in the printer session profile. When the printer session connects to the iSeries 400 system, the emulation software automatically changes the OS/400 printer device description to reflect the settings made in the printer session profile.
Other printer emulation software (such as RUMBA/400) and all non-PC hardware connections require that the OS/400 printer device description be changed manually.
1 If the printer emulation software you are using requires that the printer session profile be changed but you change the OS/400 printer device description instead, your changes are automatically removed the next time you connect the printer session.
2 Not all printers are supported with Host Print Transform. This includes all PostScript printers and any of the new Windows-only printers such as the HP DeskJet 820 Series printers, the Lexmark 2070 printer or the Lexmark WinWriter 150 printer.
The following documents provide instructions on how to use Host Print Transform with various printer emulation software and hardware connections:
11402020 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With a *LCL or *RMT Device Description
7532429 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With a *LAN Device Description
11401901 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With a Remote Output Queue (RMTOUTQ)
11400826 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With Personal Communications 5250 (PC5250)
11401537 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With RUMBA/400
11401703 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With Workstation Function (WSF)
13231320 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With Novell HostPrint/400
13235847 Using Host Print Transform (HPT) With a Third Party Emulation Package
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