[NEWSboard IBMi Forum]
  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2004

    Device PRT05 returned negative acknowledgment with sense


    I have some problems with my matrix printers
    One of them created with the AS/400 following error message

    Message . . . . : Device PRT05 returned negative acknowledgment with sense
    Cause . . . . . : Sense data X'40E000' was received from device PRT05.
    Recovery . . . : See messages that follow for additional information about
    the error condition. The data stream manual for your printer contains more
    information about the sense data.
    Technical description . . . . . . . . : The internal message identifier (ID)
    is CNACK101.

    Have some one a idea ?
    Many thanks marco

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Feb 2001
    May be, that the printer get codes (special characters, unprintable character, esc-sequenzes) that he can't understand.
    Check, if this happens only by a specific spoolfile or by all spools.
    Dienstleistungen? Die gibt es hier: http://www.fuerchau.de
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    BI? Da war doch noch was: http://www.ftsolutions.de

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2004
    Thank you very much for your attention.

    unfortunately not.

    The spool files,which we have to print out are still the same since ever,
    without any strange characters.

    The logfile showed also entries for different printer, that they are temp.
    not available, based on a network problem.

    The spool file is then waiting, with the status pending and I only can get the expected print out, when I turn off and turn on the printer himself.


  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Feb 2001
    I think you must solve the networkproblem first.
    If this errors happens sometimes than this is an "intermitted" error and can not be solved.
    Dienstleistungen? Die gibt es hier: http://www.fuerchau.de
    Das Excel-AddIn: https://www.ftsolutions.de/index.php/downloads
    BI? Da war doch noch was: http://www.ftsolutions.de

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Jul 2002
    Hey there,

    is it possible that there is another printer using the same IP adress like the failing printer? Or have you changed some network components??
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Christoph Supp

    SuS Group GmbH
    Mühlenweg 2
    56235 Ransbach-Baumbach

    Tel.: +49 26 23 / 92 64 55 0
    Fax :+49 26 23 / 92 64 55 9

    Internet: www.sus-group.de

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2001

    it is possible that you use an IPDS - printerdevice. When you try to print on this device with an configured NON IPDS printer, you will receive this error message.

    Andreas Herzfeldt

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2004
    Unfortunately I'm not shure for the ipds devices if they are or not,

    but the AS/400 server - IBM matrix printer (6400) and the spoolfile are since ever the same and only since some time we have suddenly this kind of problem !!

    Thanks a lot for your effort !!
    Have a nice time

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2004
    unfortunately, we don't have any known network problems ...

    Thanks a lot

  9. #9
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2001
    Hi Marco,

    I searched for CNACK101 and PQT3630 in some search-engines in the internet. All answers refer to print Barcode or print with IPDS printerdevices in combination with the AFP - Parameter. I would suggest to check the printer-setup, because some 6400 dot matrix printer have an ipds-interface,
    try the AUTOCONFIG feature. Otherhwise you can print any system spoolfile to make sure in which condition this error occurs.

    Andreas Herzfeldt

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